Of A New Project
After the tragic death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020 -- and with the riots and mayhem by groups like BLM and "Antifa" that followed in its wake -- a movement soon arose called "The 1619 Project," founded by one
Nikole Hannah-Jones, which claimed to move back the date of America's founding from July 4, 1776, to the year 1619,* when the first black, African captives were taken from Africa to America by a white, English settler working under Dutch auspices to the Virginia Colony in order to be sold as slaves (being info which has been paraphrased from this link:
The 1619 Project - Wikipedia).
The aim, goal and purpose of this organization (i.e., the so-called "1619 Project") seems to be to try to discredit the legitimate founding of the U.S. and replace it with one that will make the White people of this country feel guilty for any sins, transgressions and/or inhumane acts their ancestors may or may not have committed (for only a small minority of White people ever owned slaves and many White people of the current era had ancestors who immigrated much later than the whole slave era), particularly race-based slavery (while discounting the fact that Black people from Africa sold other Black people into this slavery in the first place and the first person to own slaves in America himself was Black; meanwhile,
White people such as the Irish were also slaves in America) -- all with the seemingly-Marxist aim of destroying any sense of (civic and national) pride, community, and common purpose the American people (which, yes, was largely White, and still is, by a slim majority) have had and still continue trying to have.
But just as Tecla Hashimoto is a sure principle of unity for the Catholic Church, so too may she be for American people in general -- that is because she was martyred (as most readers of this site and my Classic Tecla Site know by now) on October 6, 1619, and thus we may say that any promotion of her by those of us who consider ourselves MOTHs, or even by those who are mere devotees of hers, can be seen as The True 1619 Project (and yes, we must always put the word "True" in italics to differentiate our movement from what one might call the "False 1619 Project" of Nikole Hannah-Jones (again, here with the proper italicization of the word "False")).
In other words, it would seem that devotion to Tecla Hashimoto goes hand-in-hand with devotion to the U.S., and a great way to express one's patriotism toward the latter (i.e., the U.S.) would be to introduce the story of the former (i.e., Tecla) to as many people as you are able.....
Will you join us to foster, promote and promulgate The True 1619 Project?
* Apparently, there is no exact date associated with this so-called "Project," but only the year.....
--October 16, 2023, Feast of St. Hedwig, W; St. Gerard Majella, C