"Too Philosophical" Redux
An acquaintance of mine some time ago asked what I thought of the Modern Church claiming to "beatify" and maybe "canonize" a Polish family by the name of "Ulma" in which the child in the mother's womb is also up for "beatification" and "canonization" and why the same has not been done for the child in Tecla's womb.* Well, I've already asked this question (about the possibility of defining the child in Tecla's womb as a martyr) to one Diego Yuki, SJ, who was "Postulant for the Cause of Canonization for the 52 Martyrs of Kyoto"* in 1995 and his response was that the question is
"too philosophical" to consider. Well, after the news about the Ulma Family and their own unborn child, I wonder if the question is still "too philosophical"........
* On this site, we only use these quotes to signify we do not agree with any acts of "canonization" and "beatification" after Vatican II, while realizing this takes nothing away from the merits of the person in question......
** We here at TH.com of course refer to them as the "52 +1 Martyrs of Kyoto"....
---First published c. Feb. 2024
Last Edited 3/29/24