On my Classic Tecla Site, I posted the initial two chapters of a philosophy book I called, "External link opens in new tab or windowA Philosophy (Inspired by the Intercession of Tecla Hashimoto)."  I never got much farther than that before I disbanded that website (for various reasons, mainly because of the difficulty I had with the settings, formatting, text, etc., with the less-than-ideal web-building program that was available to me, and I felt Tecla deserved better than I could offer at that time)   It was the beginnings of the second draft of my philosophy book -- now about 340 pages in length, single-spaced, in an MSWord document -- but I have yet to publish the complete work formally.   In the meantime, I have written a one-page summary you can find below.....


As one can read in my memoir, the coincidental experience of the Los Angeles and Kobe Quakes on January 17, 1994, and January 17, 1995 –- in cities named “Our Lady Queen of Angels” and “The Gate of God,” respectively –- along with other related events, prompted me to look more closely at the whole Pacific Basin region to see if there might be any other coincidences therein.

I soon noticed that Japan and California look like two doves standing on either side of a bowl (the Pacific Basin) and facing each other across this bowl, and that this symbol was a popular symbol in the catacombs of the early Christians and a popular symbol in modern, secular Japan.  I then discovered that, if Japan and California look like two doves on a bowl, then the Pacific Basin itself must be this bowl, and since doves traditionally represent peace, it makes sense that this bowl is called the “Pacific Basin” (or “Basin of Peace”).  I then began calling this symbol “The Circle of Peace” based on a motto I had seen featuring a dove with olive branch, and meanwhile had discovered that Japan and California most likely represent the biblical “ends of the earth.”

After this, I realized that “Basin of Peace” is another way of describing a “cup of peace,” which is exactly what Christ had at the Last Supper and exactly what a Catholic priest consecrates at every True Sacrifice of the Mass; and that this cup has entered Western tradition, legend, and mythology as the “Holy Grail,” and thus we may say that the Pacific Basin is a symbol of the Holy Grail.  And if the Pacific Basin is a symbol of the Holy Grail, then this means that all the cities named for saints in California and Latin America –- not to mention in the Philippines on the other side of the Pacific, and some of the islands in the South Pacific (indeed, wherever they may be throughout the world) –- represent the Knights of the Round Table seated around the Holy Grail.

Now if the Pacific Basin is a symbol of the Holy Grail and the saint-cities clustered around it throughout the earth represent the Knights of the Holy Grail, then this means that the seven continents clustered around this basin represent what we might call "The Seven Tables of the Holy Grail."  And if the Pacific Basin is a symbol of the Holy Grail, the saint-cities clustered around it throughout the earth represent the Knights of the Holy Grail, and the seven continents on which these saint-cities are seated represent the Seven Tables of the Holy Grail, then this must mean that we are all upon earth living in some vast ecclesial space.

But, I wondered, if this is how the earth has been formed, what about the sky above? At this point, I recalled that the Book of Genesis speaks of a "firmament" which spreads out over the earth's atmosphere, as if the dome of a cathedral; and then I came across an image in my desktop Bible that showed an illustration of the ancient Hebrew conception of the universe with the mountains of the earth as walls holding up this firmament dome atop their various pinnacles -- all of which must mean, I concluded, that the universe is in the form of a vast cathedral which we might call "The Great Grail Cathedral of the Universe." 

This book will explore all these points in detail, followed by chapters on how these various findings are reflected in the modern popular culture and how the only-known pregnant martyr in Catholic history -- Tecla Hashimoto of Kyoto, Japan, who was mercilessly killed along with her family and 45 other Japanese Catholics in what is known as "The Great Kyoto Martyrdom" on October 6, 1619 -- bears relation to all this; and how our getting the word out about Tecla and her great sacrifice represents the true "1619 Project".....We will then conclude with a postscript featuring suggestions on the way forward from here in the social, political, economic, cultural, and religious spheres, this last via what I call the "Stay-At-Home Monastic Movement."  

-- October 31, 2023, Vigil of All Saints